Christian López Barrón

In USD, What Prims are Affected by Layer X?

A Network Snapshot of USD Stage Composition

When working with Pixar's USD stages, sometimes we want to know what prims are affected by some layers. This entry is a summary of the approach I've taken to help answer those questions in a GUI.


This does not aim to be an official guide or a tutorial, it is the key notes of what continues to be a learning exercise. There . . .

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August 29, 2021

Building USD for Python 3 on Windows

With the help of conda


Pixar's USD 20.5 release officially brought Python 3 support, so I was excited to play around with it and some of the most recent python features.

The easiest way I know of getting USD is from the NVIDIA Developer USD Pre-built Libraries and Tools section as it provides pre-built downloads for different operating systems. . . .

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June 08, 2020

About Naming Conventions

Or: How should I name this article?

It's been a long time since I started caring a lot about how I named things. From school projects to music and photo albums; from maya modelling to frame rendering. The more data you handle, the more you realize the importance of having a naming convention to follow. It helps you identify the contents of a file without opening it, the purpose . . .

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March 28, 2017

Traversing the Graph with the Maya Python API 2.0

Or 'Building an animation exporter pt. 2'

On a previous entry we watched how we could extract data from animation curve nodes in Maya using new classes (for the Python API 2.0) like the MFnAnimCurve. There, we had a pretty simple way of getting the outputs of a curve, as we were taking into account only pairBlend nodes. In this entry we will try to have a more robust . . .

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September 13, 2016

Building an animation exporter with the Maya Python API 2.0

The Maya Python API 2.0 has been extended in the latest release with new classes like

MFnAnimCurve and MItDependencyNodes, and I could not be more excited to try some code with them.

There are multiple ways to handle animation data in Maya, from the available keyframe, setKeyframe, copyKey, pasteKey, etc. commands, to the . . .

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June 15, 2016


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